Thursday, November 01, 2007

Halloween 2007

This Halloween, our church decided to not have their big Fall Festival, so we decided to attend my parent's church's Trunk or Treat event. Basically, everyone sets up games in the trunk or back of their vehicle and the kids come along and play. I think my mom and dad's game was the most popular as the line was always the longest!

Caleb was Larry from Veggie Tales this year.

I know, same picture, but I loved the expression on his face. It's almost like he's saying, "ok, enough pictures mom, let's go get some candy!"

The scene when we finally found my parents. Caleb talks non-stop of his Mommaw and PawPaw. He wanted to find him first and here he is running to my mom. It was sweet.

Caleb, or I mean Larry, and Mommaw.

Playing Mommaw and Pappaw's game with Pappaw.

Bean bag toss

Showing off his loot. This was about half way through. That little pumpkin was mostly full when we left!

Daddy and Larry

Mama and Larry.

Playing the ring toss game, but to Caleb it was the ring place game. Everyone thought it was cute.

Tossing different balls through the hoop. He liked this one!

The hayless rides. It was a fun idea and Caleb smiled the whole way. It reminded me of a beauty queen on a float because all the people would look and smile and say how cute he was as we passed by. All we need to do now is perfect the wave!

Don't know why this picture is here. I think we were waiting to play a game.

Playing Mommaw and PawPaw's game again. We had so much fun this year!

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