Thursday, January 21, 2010

Here We Go Again

Thos of you who follow me on facebook know where Caleb and I spent our night last night. Those of you who don't, well lets just suffice it to say that we got reaquanted with our old friends in the Emergency Room of our local hospital.
Here's the way it went down:
A few days ago, right about the time the weather went from a normal 40-50 degrees during the day to 70+, Caleb started coughing a bit. I thought it was just his allergies from the drastic swingin the temperatures, and am still convinced that was probably what that was initially. His cough started getting worse and worse and culminated in sounding pretty bad yesterday. I broke out the nebulizer (it had actually be put away for months, which is huge for us! Usually the thing runs everyday for months on end, but I can't even remember the last time I had to get it out.) and give him a breathing treatment. It seemed to help some, so I went to work thinking he would be fine.
I got home from work around 9 and heard him in his room whimpering, not normal behavior for Caleb. When I went to check on him he was shaking. I thought for sure he had some sort of fever but I couldn't get any thermometer to read that he did. I gave him another breathing treatment because I noticed that he was working pretty hard to breath and it really didn't do any good. So, I decided to make a call to our friendly (not!) on call nurse. She told me to take him to the ER right away and off we went.
I'm not even going to get into how put off I was by some of the staff there, treating me like I was a raving lunatic and actually telling me I had no idea what was wrong with my son, but just suffice it to say that they were totally apologetic when the tests came back positive for pneumonia. Yep, that's right, my boy has pneumonia. Again. So he's on lots of antibiotics, steroids and breathing treatments and should be good as new in a jif!

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