Today I had to take Caleb to the doctor. No, he is not sick, but I still had to take him. Here's the story:
I have not been too thrilled with the physician in the pediatricians office that we go to. Some time ago, we happened into seeing the nurse practitioner, Betsy, and she is the only reason we stayed with that office. She listens to me and has always been on top of things and understands that I probably know Caleb better than anyone. Can't really say that about the doctor. Sigh...
Yesterday, as the winds howled and it reached 80 degrees (is it really February?), Caleb started his normal routine of sneezing and his eyes started watering. Usually when this happens, Betsy will give us whatever we need, knowing we've done this multiple times, without having to actually travel to the office, pay a copay, expose all of us to the myriad of germs that live in those offices, wait for an unearthly amount of time, only for someone to look at Caleb and say, "Oh, you're right, he does need _____ medication".
Anyway, today I called the office, forgetting that Betsy was on maternity leave still and got roped into actually having to brave the office. Something about needing to check his ears for infection, yet he's never had one and had no symptoms of one. After all the aforementioned bad stuff, we got the prescription I called for in the first place this morning, or so we thought.
I waited 2 hours, called the pharmacy to make sure they had the request. Of course they didn't. I called the doctor's office, and the doctor had sent the request to the wrong pharmacy, who knows where. After 2 more requests, someone at the pharmacy found it within their means to actually check the fax machine and see that it had been sitting there all this time, even though Jes was standing right there and I talked to them multiple times. If only people would do their jobs. Sigh...