Wednesday, June 04, 2008

35 Week Visit

Today was my 35 week visit to Dr. Robins. Before I saw my doctor, I had a sonogram, per my request. After all the drama we had during Caleb's birth, I wanted to have them check out Piper to see how things were going. Everything looked great and she is around 7 pounds 6 ounces, give or take a little.

We were able to get some cute views of her face and she looks nothing like Caleb did in his pictures. We'll just have to see what she looks like on the outside. Our doctor did, however, make a comment about her chubby cheeks, so I guess she did get that from her brother!

The sonographer did lots of measurements on Piper and our doctor told me that with every measurement, we got a perfect score. This sonogram was one that I requested just to calm my nerves and I feel pretty good about everything now. I guess our biggest problem is that we have not had a kiddo that hasn't had health issues and lots of medications from day one, so we just don't know how to deal with a healthy baby. I guess we'll learn!

The bad news from my visit is that my blood pressure and weight (retained fluid again) were up again. Same song, second verse. I guess this means that I'm back on the couch/bed as much as possible.

This past weekend was quite busy with our baby shower on Saturday (my mom ran off with my camera, so I'll post pictures when I get it back Saturday) and we don't have much on the schedule, so hopefully I'll be able to rest more before my next appointment Thursday.

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